Sunday, April 12, 2015

Vocabulary Volume #8

It's been a while since I've posted a Vocabulary Volume, so this is an extra long update! Here are some notable new words from books I've read recently.

From WICKED, by Gregory Maguire

unctuous: (adj.) greasy or oily. Or, when describing a person: a groveling kiss-ass type

apothegm: (n.) a concise saying or maxim, an aphorism

etiolated: (adj) weak, feeble, and pale

amanuensis: (n.) a literary or artistic assistant of manuscripts 

terpischorean: (adj.) related to dancing

pince-nez: (n.) old-style glasses held up by the bridge of the nose

sostenuto: (adj.) musical descriptor for a "sustained" note or style

terricolous: (adj.) living or growing in or on the ground

fulsome: (adj.) excessively flattering and fawning

sfumato: (adj) smoky style of painting with soft lines 

doyenne: (n.) the most respected woman in a particular field

scree: (n.) small stones covering a mountain slope

assignation: (n.) secret rendezvous, typically for affairs

lambaste: (v.) harshly criticize

tripartite: (adj) of three parts or involving three parties 

fascia: (n.) a thin piece of flat material that covers rafters of a house

moue: (n.) a pouting, annoyed expression

trapunto: (n.) a decorative raised quilting style 

From SNOW FALLING ON CEDARS, by David Guterson

lissome: (adj.) thin, supple, graceful

effusive: (adj.) gushy and expressive

torpid: (adj.) lethargic

effluvium: (n.) unpleasant odor of decay

austelle: (n.) couldn't find a real definition, but it might be a type of fabric

creosote: (n.) oil-based wood preservative

portents: (n.) omens, augury, or forewarnings

interstices: (n.) small space between two objects, like branches or walls

hypoid: (n.) a beveled gear in a vehicle transmission mechanism

From FROM THE MONKEY HOUSE, by Kurt Vonnegut

angstrom: (n.) 10 to the -10th of a meter length

ptomaine: (n.) a biological compound that causes food poisoning

yawl: (n.) a type of two-masted boat

depredations: (n.) attacks and plunders

seraglio: (n.) Turkish palace quarters for women concubines

humidor: (n.) a jar for keeping tobacco moist

parvenus: (n.) an obscure person who recently gained fame or status, a social climber

maudlin: (adj.) self-pityingly sentimental and emotional, lachrymose

bivouac: (n.) a temporary camp with no tents

From THE LEFT HAND OF DARKNESS, by Ursula K. Le Guin

aphelion: (n.) point in a planet's orbit where it is farthest from the sun. "at aphelion"

oviparous: (adj.) egg-laying

fumaroles: (n.) openings in a volcano where sulfurous gases emerge

semiotics: (n.) the study of meaning, making, and the philosophy of signs and symbols

susurrus: (n.) whispering, murmuring, or rustling

invocation: (n.) summoning incantation to a diety

paraverbal: (n.) messages transmitted through tone of voice. How something is said or implied, as opposed to what is said. 

educe: (v.) to bring out or develop something

blotto: (adj.) completely drunk

cyanotic: (adj.) turning blue or purple from lack of oxygen

caromed: (v.) to strike and rebound

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