Monday, November 12, 2012

Vocabulary Volume #4

I'm studying vocabulary for the GRE, and one of the tips for studying vocab is to come up with creative ways to remember them. Of course, such methods are unique to the individual.

I remember learning vocab words out of these little books when i was in middle school/high school, but the one year that I remember the most was sophomore year. Our English teacher, Mrs. Avilucea, made us draw silly pictures for each vocab word that week, as a way to help the visually oriented students in the class (such as myself). I thought I would bring back that strategy for my own study purposes, so I took out a few sheets of scratch paper and started doodling away. It wasn't long before I realized that I could simultaneously use this as a chance to entertain my readers, and perhaps teach them a word or two as well.

So I present to you the new and improved Vocabulary Volume: GRE Edition...featuring shitty drawings by yours truly !!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THIS. haha your drawings are actually really cute.
